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Find our MusicHorama  publications on YouTube :

 asia&curiosa channel 

"Without Music, life would be an error."

dixit  Frederic Nietzsch

Cultural roadmap of the association

Our cultural association implements our 2 particular innovative concepts:

1 - first of all, to transform listening to music, by broadcasting on our

YouTube channel a number of interpretations of each proposed work,

in order to refine listening and sharpen the taste of listeners.


                   Do not fill vases, but light fires ...

The proposed comparative choice is random, referenced by letters therefore

without any recommendation, or priority, of preferential listening.



    Any soloist or ensemble deserves a duty of memory ...

but we only publish what we have.

2 - The other goal, assumed by our MusicHorama© concept (music and artistically mixed fixed visuals), is to visually enhance the musical work.

Our photos of documents or unpublished objects are often in macro mode, in order to highlight often unsuspected details.

Our MusicHorama © concept allows, through

the "MEMORIES" version, to insert personal


        Naturally for private diffusion.



Thus, images and sounds gathered in the same vibration, echo each other and double the quality of the whole.

This Macromusée action is our contribution to supporting the Future, which we have perhaps just discovered in concrete terms ...


This makes it easy to organize a personalized HOME-CONCERT, and virtually shareable or in a network ...


  SOUND original direct 33rpm vinyl by us, constant technique and quality.





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